

First Adress Of Champions: Duru Bulgur
First Adress Of Champions: Duru Bulgur
The international Taekwondo championship was held in the city of Pforzheim in Germany at 3 May 2015. Teakwondo athletes who represente our country, won 2 gold and 1 silver medal.When athletes return to our country, they visited their sponsors Duru Bulgur and gave information about championship. The athletes thanked to Duru Bulgur for financial and moral supports.

İhsan Duru, chairman of the executive board and vice chairman, Emin Duru were satisfied due to visit of athletes. They congratulated them for their success and talked with them about their future objectives. İhsan Duru and Emin Duru stated that “our support will always continue and we believe that athletes will win the most greater success”. They are rewarded athletes to varios gifts.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

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